Śpiewającym Aniołkom

Serdecznie wyrazy wdzięczności składamy naszemu Chórowi Dziecięcemu „Śpiewające Aniołki” za wspaniały koncert w którym mogliśmy uczestniczyć w minioną niedzielę. Dziękuję wszystkim dzieciom tworzącym tę wspaniałą grupę pełną energii i talentów muzycznych, wraz z ich opiekunką Panią Magdą Dubanowską. Słowa wdzięczności składam również ich muzykom: Panom Michałowi Brożynie, Wojciechowi Długołęckiemu i Marcinowi Ścigany za ich czas i zaangażowanie w oprawę muzyczną …

Scriptural threads make a beautiful gift for a new generation

Youngsters at St John the Baptist’s Church, Perth, were presented with a unique resource, inspired and created with the support of Younger Conservation Ltd (YCL), Perth. Four exquisitely painted and embroidered quilts, based on the idea of the Jesse Tree, as described by the Prophet Isaiah, ‘A shoot shall come out of the stock of Jesse, and a branch shall …

Parish youth project closes

The parish Youth Group held its final meeting at the end of last term. This parish project, which began six years ago, was led initially by Frankie McGuire and for the past two years by Justyna Jablonska. As Justyna approaches the end of her degree studies there is no obvious successor and so the Pastoral Parish Council has taken the …

Guiding Anniversaries at St John’s

The 19th Perth Brownies and Rainbows celebrated two great milestones adding up to 100 years of Girl Guiding in the parish. The Brownies, for girls aged 7-11 were established in the parish 75 years ago, in 1941. The Rainbows, for girls aged 5-7 started in 1991 – 25 years ago this year. Fr Bogdan celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving with …

Stirling Youth Event

SCOTTISH CATHOLIC YOUTH FESTIVAL 30th July – 2nd August 2015 Forms are available from Frankie McGuire and Justyna Jablonska The cost is £150 We would also like to start gathering names for Poland 2016. NOW is the time to book your slot. Anyone who will be 15 years of age by June 2016 is eligible to apply